behaviour policy
Issue Date : January 2024
Reviewed By: Full Governing Board
Review Date: February 2027
‘You don’t know me at all. That’s just what you see on the outside. That is not me, I’m inside and no one sees inside because inside I’m hurting.’
Roots Federation aims to provide children with a voice to articulate their feelings and emotions which will support their understanding to represent themselves. To achieve this, we will work to enhance a child's self-esteem, respect for others and their environment. This will be based upon strong attachments created with familiar adults so we can understand what the children are feeling not what they are demonstrating.
All aspects of this policy apply equally to everyone in the school community regardless of gender, belief, ethnicity or any protected characteristic. We adopt an inclusive approach and adapt our behaviour management strategies to meet the needs of the child.
We believe:
All behaviour is communication
Everyone in school has the right to feel safe both physically and emotionally
Everyone in school has the right to be treated with respect
Everyone in school has the right to learn without distraction
That we can teach behaviour, not control it
Positive experiences create positive feelings. Positive feelings create positive behaviour
A clear and consistent approach to behaviour must be supported by all stakeholders.
Attachment: A child needs to make a secure attachment with the main, significant adult or adults in their life from a very early stage. Then have consistent and warm relationships from there onwards throughout childhood for emotional and psychological good health.
Trauma: Trauma is a term used to describe the challenging emotional consequences that living through a distressing event or ongoing challenging circumstances can have for an individual. Traumatic events can be difficult to define because the same event may be more traumatic for some people than for others. However, traumatic events experienced early in life, such as abuse, neglect and disrupted attachment, can often be devastating. Equally challenging can be later life experiences that are out of one’s control, such as a serious accident, being the victim of violence, living through a natural disaster or war, or sudden unexpected loss.
Equity is giving everyone what they need to be successful. Equality is treating everyone the same. Equality aims to promote fairness, but it can only work if everyone starts from the same place and needs the same help. This is absolutely not the case with children in the Early years.
All staff need to know how to promote pro social behaviour and manage difficult or dangerous behaviour, and to have an understanding of what behaviour might be communicating. All staff should focus on de-escalation and preventative strategies rather than focusing solely on reactive strategies. Actions by staff are based on important principles:
It is the inappropriate behaviour that is rejected, not the child
Adults should keep the situation calm
A child’s success at reducing inappropriate behaviour should be acknowledged
Children must be guided to accept responsibility for their actions and their consequences, both intended and unintended It is our professional responsibility to challenge inappropriate behaviour and we should not take or deal with incidents in a personal way.
All staff are committed to challenge the behaviour of any child which involves physical violence or abuse, threats, verbal abuse, theft and damage to personal or school property. This includes all forms of bullying, cyberbullying or incidents of behaviour against any of the protected characteristics, in particular: disability, gender reassignment, race, religion/faith, sex or sexual orientation. Behaviour that is unacceptable, anti-social or dangerous will result in consequence.
Function of Behaviour
All behaviour has a function.
Function is what the behaviour is communicating.
One behaviour may have more than one function
Sensory (meeting a known or unknown need)
Provides input to one or more of the senses
Likely to happen in different situations, even if there is minimal interaction and engagement on offer.
Biting, running, tipping out etc where there is high sensory feedback. They are enjoying the sensations of their behaviour. These are often behaviours where there is no build up and it appears to come out of nowhere.
Escape or Avoidance
The demand may be verbal, physical or related to proximity or environment.
Escape: when already in a situation and the behaviour is communicating escape
Avoidance: Behaviour happens when being asked to do something and behaviour functions as a way of avoiding
Children who try to run out of the door when they are dropped off or try to escape the EY area or staff members. Hiding under tables is a example of this behaviour.
Attention (interaction or reaction)
Can be verbal, physical, social or related
Can be positive or negative attention
Self-sabotaging behaviours such as destroying work. The children who constantly seek positive feedback and show you everything they do…constantly.
We should view this behaviour as attention NEEDING not attention SEEKING. They physically or emotionally need this attention to help them feel safe and emotionally regulated.
Behaviour occurs as a way of gaining access to a person, an item or activity.
Behaviour occurs as a way of gaining access to a person, an item or activity
Universal Provision
Our children are encouraged to develop a positive sense of self, to feel confident in their abilities, and to express their needs and feelings. Through our nurturing approach and consistent teaching of boundaries children begin to manage their own behaviour and emotions, developing the ability to wait their turn, control impulses, and manage their feelings. Careful teaching and high expectations ensure that children develop independence, understand the importance of routines, and can carry out essential self-help tasks.
Zones of Regulation
The Zones of Regulation is a framework designed to help children develop self-regulation. Emotions are assigned a colour zone and by identifying which zone they are in, and using appropriate strategies, children can understand how their emotions influence their behaviour, and develop strategies to regulate their emotional responses effectively. They then learn to self-regulate and make better decisions about their behaviours and emotional responses.
Pro-Social Behaviour
All staff are expected to model pro-social behaviour and social interaction to promote positive relationships, which in turn promote greater engagement in learning. We aim to provide exciting learning opportunities that are intrinsically motivating.
Our values are demonstrated by each member of staff working as a team, sharing achievements, successes, problems, concerns and stresses. All staff throughout the school day must be involved in encouraging, supporting and reinforcing positive behaviour whenever and wherever they interact with all children.
At Roots Federation we define ‘pro-social behaviour’ as:
Behaviour which is positive and helpful
Behaviour characterised by a concern for the rights, feelings and welfare of others
Behaviour which benefits other people or society
We will adapt the approach, equipment, teaching style, group dynamic, resources and environment to reflect each individual’s needs who require additional support to understand themselves and their emotions.
We are always looking for ways to analyse and understand the behaviour and develop strategies that remove barriers to learning and limit / reduce the risk of injury to self and others.
The focus on pro-social behaviour creates experiences that evoke pro-social feelings. Staff should understand that not all children will automatically have these feelings, and negative experiences will impact on how a child feels. This includes being aware of factors such as Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) that are likely to impact on mental health and wellbeing.
Consequences can be protective (short term removal of freedom to manage harm) or educational (learning, rehearsing, teaching so freedom can be returned).
Examples of protective consequences within Roots Federation could be:
Increased staffing ratios
Differentiated teaching approach OR rhythm of the day
Differentiated teaching space.
All consequences must meet the emotional and cognitive needs of each child; therefore, not all examples above would be appropriate or therapeutic for all.
Where behaviour exhibited may cause harm to themselves or others a risk reduction plan will be created. Risk reduction plans are used to better manage the child, ensure safe outcomes and develop thorough consistent ways of supporting them. They are written as such that a stranger would be able to pick them up and follow the plan, to provide consistent responses for the child.
How we will attempt to understand behaviour:
Tune in: How does the child communicate feelings/wants/needs?
Understand context: What are situations/relationships/dynamics that lead to reactions?
Explore and make sense of what you see: What is the function of the behaviour? How does it make sense?
Be vigilant: Notice how changes (however subtle) in behaviour communicates feelings or needs
Seek positive messages: look for ways to engage in the positive
Strategies that will be used
Vocabulary used within the setting is positive, child-centred and does not place blame or judgement on individual children
We provide regular praise and feedback for prosocial behaviours and are mindful not to respond to behaviour when it is antisocial.
We support the development of self-regulation skills and children will be taught how to calm, regulate and respond to their feelings
De-escalation scripts (Appendix 1) will be readily available to use when a child is in a heightened state. It is important that all staff use the same script, although it can be in a different order. The de- escalation script should be used repeatedly, with no variation from it, until the child has been persuaded to leave the situation and calm down.
We ensure that there are enough resources and sufficient activities available so that children are meaningfully occupied without the need for unnecessary conflict over sharing and waiting for turns.
Staff will observe children to understand why they act in particular ways, recognising that schemas are patterns of behaviour demonstrated by the children, then utilise this knowledge to support children.
Some behaviours will have consequences; limitation of injury through redirection will always be the preferred method of consequence.
Children are encouraged to find their voice, to inform staff about upsetting incidents and also learn to communicate ‘stop’ (using a hand gesture) open palm.
Staff will complete ABC’s to identify triggers to behaviour and seek to identify any trends and patterns to develop strategies to support the child to develop their pro-social behaviour.
ABC charts may also be used to identify the pro social behaviour and use this as a platform for future development.
Reasonable Adjustments
Every child has a right to education in an environment where they feel valued, listened to, and respected. We recognise that all behaviour is a form of communication and takes into account children’s individual needs and circumstances, which may include age, first language and SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities).
Differentiation is used as a strategy for developing prosocial behaviours. At Roots Federation, we adapt the approach, equipment, teaching style, resources and environment to reflect each individual’s needs.
Day to day differentiation includes:
Using different teaching spaces to create smaller and quieter learning spaces
Adapting teach style and use of language e.g. low arousal, high energy
Type of activities/curriculum offered e.g. Attention Autism, sensory circuits, busy boxes,
Use of equipment to support sensory needs e.g. trampoline, body sock, gym balls, chewy toys
For some children, day to day differentiation is not enough and they need a higher level of support in order to feel and behave pro-socially. This will be communicated to parents.
Dysregulated emotional well-being and behaviours:
Strategies for supporting children:
Roots Federation expect all persons on site to use positive strategies for handling any dysregulated behaviour, by helping children find solutions in ways, which are appropriate for the children's ages and stages of development.
Staff will avoid creating situations in which children receive adult attention only in return for dysregulated behaviour.
If an adult observes dysregulated behaviours such as (but not limited to), not sharing, not taking turns, not considerate to others’ feelings or not showing respect for property, an explanation of what was not considerate will be given to the child and the impact this has had on others explained, i.e. ‘I see you would like a turn but your friend is sad. They were playing with the toy when you took it away.’ We teach pro-social behaviour through modelling and social stories so that the child can learn strategies for the future. Some children will need repeated teaching before they can apply the new learning.
When the child has regulated their emotions, adults will give solutions to help resolve conflict i.e. ‘let your friend have two turns and then it will be your turn’ or ‘let’s see if we can find another train and play together as friends.’
At times children may have an activity or area ‘finished’ if their behaviour is disrupting other’s. Choices will be given to de-escalate the situation or where appropriate a de-escalation script will be used. - “Child’s name, I can see something is wrong, I am here to help, Talk and I will listen, Come with me and …”
At Roots Federation, we recognise that very young children, those at the early stage of language acquisition or those whose development is not yet at the expected level for their chronological age, may not have the necessary language and may find dealing with their own emotions difficult. Staff are calm and patient, offering comfort to intense emotions, helping children to manage their feelings and help them to resolve issues in an appropriate way to promote understanding.
Some children engage in fantasy play i.e. rough and tumble, superhero or weapon play. This type of play is typical for young children and is acceptable (ensuring children are not hurt). If this play becomes inconsiderate then appropriate adult intervention and support will be used. Empathy is encouraged by exploring alternative scenarios and providing children with strategies for conflict resolution.
Staff will help children to understand the effect that their dysregulated behaviour has had on another child; we do not force children to say sorry, but encourage this where it is clear that they understand the consequence of their actions, are genuinely sorry and wish to show this to the person they have upset.
All staff will make every effort to discuss with parents/carers any issues that occur and work together with them to address any issues to try and prevent incidents such as this reoccurring.
Children will be told to stop if exhibiting dangerous behaviour. This will be reinforced with a visual sign, using PECS.
Not engaging in group time
Understanding and modelling:
Child will be allowed to engage themselves within the wider room (if safe to do so) and adult will engage with child during CIL
Consequence: None
Child stands up from table with food in their mouth
Understanding and modelling:
Child is reminded that this behaviour is unsafe and will be asked to return to the table. The child will be then told why the behaviour is unsafe.
Consequence: None
Refusal to follow instruction
Understanding and modelling:
Escape or avoidance
Re direction or alternate wording to be used. Adult to ascertain and observe reason for refusal to follow instructions. If there is a safety reason that may place the child at risk, then adults will use no or stop as appropriate.
Consequence: Item maybe removed from child if there is a safety aspect to refusal
Child is not tidying up / hiding at tidy up time
Understanding and modelling:
The adult will say
“It’s tidy up time – please help me tidy over here” Staff continue to role model tidying up – providing clear instruction
Consequence: Specific praise to be given
Child refuses to help or runs away
Understanding and modelling:
Point out children who are tidying – give the attention to the expected behaviour
Adults to say “At Nursery we all need to help tidy up. Would you like to pick up the bricks or wipe the tables?”
Consequence: Talk directly with the child labelling the emotion that has been caused. Discuss what caused the individual to behaviour in that way. Demonstrate alternate coping strategies.
Children are upset as they want same toy as a peer
Understanding and modelling:
The adult will say ‘… has the toy now, you can have it when they are finished’ or show/offer/encourage other toys.
Consequence: Talk directly with the child labelling the emotion that has been caused. Discuss what caused the individual to behaviour in that way. Demonstrate alternate coping strategies.
Children are upset as they want same toy as a peer
Understanding and modelling:
The adult will say ‘… has the toy now, you can have it when they are finished’ or show/offer/encourage other toys.
Consequence: None
Child hits or hurts another child
Understanding and modelling:
Communicate that the other child is hurt, attach an emotion to the feeling – sad, hurt, angry.
Consequence: Talk directly with the child labelling the emotion that has been caused. Discuss what caused the individual to behaviour in that way. Demonstrate alternate coping strategies.
Difficult and Dangerous Behaviours
We have a duty to keep all members of the school community safe/provide a safe environment therefore we take hurtful behaviour very seriously. In cases of serious misbehaviour, such as racial or other abuse, or intentional aggressive and hurtful behaviour, we make clear immediately the unacceptability of the behaviour and attitudes, by means of explanations rather than personal blame.
Incidents will be logged in the schools online reporting system, and any racial abuse incidents will be reported to Governors if necessary.
When hurtful behaviour becomes regular in the setting, we use observations and analyse behaviour to understand the cause. We work in partnership with parents/carers to find a solution together. Staff are TAB (Therapeutic Approach to Behaviour) trained. Staff will continue to be guided and supported by SLT and external advisors in their everyday practice.
For a very small number of children at Roots Federation, a ‘Calm Space’ approach is used. Appendix 4. This approach is chosen after careful analysis and planning. Calm Spaces are for children that display extremely difficult or dangerous behaviour, and previous strategies have been unsuccessful. They are for children who are overwhelmed by the environment and others, and don’t yet have the strategies to act pro-socially.
‘Calm Space’ is planned and controlled limited experiences. This approach is designed to help children who are overwhelmed by their environment and / or to teach the skills they need to be pro-social and safe and successful in larger groups / spaces. ‘Calm Space’ must minimise all possibility of being overwhelmed.
It provides strategies to be able to cope in the big wide world. These strategies include teaching communication strategies, developing emotional literacy and understanding or identifying coping mechanisms. There is always an ambition to reduce the time in ‘Calm space’ as for the return of freedoms, through teaching or protective consequences.
Generally dangerous describes behaviour or circumstances which will predictably result in imminent injury or harm. This includes harm to self or others or damage to property.
Children’s sexual behaviour exists on a wide continuum from safe and healthy sexual development to behaviours outside of safe and healthy. It is especially important not to pass off any sexualised behaviour as ‘part of growing up’ or ‘children being children and just playing’ as this can lead to a culture of unacceptable behaviours and an unsafe environment for children. The Brook sexual traffic light tool will be used to inform assessments of sexual behaviours.
Any concerning incidents of sexualised behaviour will be managed in the same way as any other child protection concern and will follow the same procedures in line with the current KCSiE (Keeping Children Safe in Education) document.
Biting is a behaviour that can occur in any school setting. Biting happens for different reasons, with different children and under different circumstances. Biting is part of some children’s development and can be triggered when they do not yet have the words to communicate their anger, frustration or need. Due to the potentially serious medical implications of a bite we have strategies in place that limit opportunities for this to happen. We also have biting guidance in place in the event a bite does occur. Appendix 2.
Any serious/dangerous behaviour will be analysed to understand the root cause of the behaviour.
Appropriate next steps will be taken which may involve contacting external agencies for support or possible suspension or exclusion in line with ‘DfE guidance: Suspension and Permanent Exclusion from maintained schools, academies and pupil referral units in England, including pupil movement Guidance for maintained schools, academies, and pupil referral units in England.’
Support from external agencies
Staff will alert the SLT of any children who need additional and specific support. We recognise that there are times when support from external agencies must be sought, this will be in agreement with and consented by parents/carers.
Possible external agencies we work in partnership with are;
Health visitors
Special Needs Health Visitors
Speech and Language therapists
Family centre
Children services
ISL (Integrated Services for Learning) team
Outreach services – e.g DSPL (Delivering Special Provision Locally)
SEND support
(this list is not exhaustive)
Safe Touch
Staff use professional knowledge and judgement in situations involving physical contact with children. Working with such young children means that physical contact can occur in a variety of circumstances. i.e. comforting a distressed child (as long as this appropriate for age of the child and welcomed by the child), in times of injury, holding a hand on a walk, giving a child a ‘side on’ cuddle as a means of praise and to gently direct a child. There are occasions when settling children staff may need to lift and carry a child. However this is in sight of and with permission of parents/carers.
To prevent a child from harm there may be occasions when physical interaction is used by staff. Staff will ensure that interaction will not result in a negative impact on the process of breathing, pain as a direct result of the technique and or sense of violation.
Details of such an event (what happened, what action was taken and by whom, and the names of witnesses) are brought to the attention of the Head Teacher immediately. There are some children with known needs that do need physical intervention and will require risk reduction plans, these are shared with parents/carers.
Physical Intervention: List the interaction. Be specific as to how the interaction will look
Do we do this? (If): It is important to list interactions that you do not support as well as those that are approved.
When do we do this?: Under what circumstances might the interaction be used?
Why we do this: Explain your rationale.
Physical Intervention: A side hug (one arm around the child, with the child learning against your hip)
Do we do this? (If): Yes
When do we do this?: If a child has sustained an injury and can’t self soothe with verbal encouragement
If a child cannot settle after transition away from parent/carer
Why we do this: To help your child feel safe and happy. To provide comfort. To help your child feel calm following an upsetting incident (co-regulation)To help your child return to their activities in a faster way
Physical Intervention: Lap sitting (when a child sits forward facing, by choice, onto an adults lap)
Do we do this? (If): Yes
When do we do this?: If a child is seeking an adult during carpet time/adult led sessions
If a child cannot settle after transition away from parent/carer
Why we do this: To meet an emotional attachment need.To support with behavioural expectations – child will be quickly encouraged to sit next to the adult, not on the adults lap.
Physical Intervention: Lap sitting (when a child sits forward facing, encouraged by an adult)
Do we do this? (If): No
When do we do this?: If a child has difficulty par taking in an carpet time/adult led sessions.
If a child cannot settle after transition away from parent/carer
Why we do this: To support with behavioural expectations – child will be quickly encouraged to sit next to the adult, not on the adults lap.
Physical Intervention
There are occasions when staff will have cause to have physical contact with children for a variety of reasons, for example:
to comfort a child in distress (so long as this is appropriate to their age);
to gently direct a child
in an emergency to avert danger to the child or others
In all situations where physical contact between staff and children takes place, staff must consider the following:
the child’s age and level of understanding
the child’s individual characteristics and history;
the location where the contact takes place (it should not take place in private without others present
Physical contact is never made as a punishment, or to inflict pain. All forms of corporal punishment are prohibited.
We use physical restraint, only to prevent physical injury to the child themselves, other children or adults and/or serious damage to property. Details of such an event (what happened, what action was taken and by whom, and the names of witnesses) are brought to the attention of the Headteacher immediately. When physical restraint is required an open hand/mitten will be used to ensure that a child can remove themselves if they choose.
Open hand:
Fingers together
Thumb away from fingers
Palms parallel to floor
The hand should remain in a mitten to avoid the possibility of gripping
Communicating and recording
At Roots Federation, we aim to work in partnership with our parents/carers to develop and promote positive behaviours, understand that behaviour is a form of communication and for children with additional needs behaviour will be consistent at home and school. Therefore, only positive behaviours will be shared daily unless in exceptional circumstances or if behaviours are becoming more regular.
If Difficult/harmful, serious / dangerous behaviour is observed or reported, the school will, in a timely manner;
Ascertain the facts – this may include speaking to staff and children. Staff will remain neutral and remember to analyse not moralise
Make a decision (SLT) to establish what action will be taken and the outcome required
Record using on our online reporting system and ensure that all relevant categories are selected. Appendix 3.
Contact parents/carers and if necessary arrange a meeting with a member of the team
Create a plan for support to develop the child’s pro social behaviours.
Placement breakdown
It is hoped that no early years’ child is left without an early year’s placement. However, if the placement does breakdown, the school will justify, with evidence to parents/carers why they are no longer able to offer a place to their child.
Consideration will be made to:
Equality Act 2010
SEND Code of Practice
The Governors wish to emphasise that, violence threating behaviour or abuse by pupils or parents/carers towards the school staff will not be tolerated.
Therapeutic Thinking is an approach to behaviour that prioritises the prosocial (positive) feelings of everyone within the dynamic.
This is based on the principle that:
Positive experiences create positive feelings. Positive feelings create positive behaviour.
Therapeutic Thinking seeks to foster the independence of children by teaching them how to develop internal discipline. The aim being that they are always able to behave pro socially, without the need for adults to manage this. Behaviour must be analysed and not moralised in order to understand it and prevent it. Therapeutic Approach to Behaviour provides various tools to enable the analysis of behaviour and therefore to assist in better planning to prevent difficult or dangerous situations from occurring and to highlight the learning or experiences needed.
Monitoring and evaluation
The effectiveness of this policy will be monitored by the Headteacher and members of SLT through incident reports. This will be reported to the Governors through the Headteacher’s report presented to FGB.
The policy will be reviewed by SLT and Governors
Appendix 2
Roots Federation use the following strategies to help prevent biting: sensory activities, biting rings, adequate resources and staff who recognise when children need more stimulation or quiet times. However, in the event of a child being bitten we use the following procedures. The most relevant staff member(s) will:
Comfort any child who has been bitten and check for any visual injury. Administer any first aid where necessary.
Complete an accident form on Octopus (Nursery Management System) and inform the parents of the child who has been bitten. Continue to observe the bitten area for signs of infection. For confidentiality purposes we do not disclose the name of the child who has caused the bite to the parents.
Tell the child who has caused the bite in terms that they understand that biting (the behaviour and not the child) is unkind. Show the child that it makes the child who has been bitten sad. The child will be asked to say sorry if developmentally appropriate or helped to develop their empathy skills by giving the child who has been bitten a favourite book or comforter.
Record all bites on the appropriate format. If a child continues to bite, the nursery will carry out observations to try to distinguish a cause, e.g. tiredness or frustration
Arrange for a meeting with the child’s parents (this will be for the child who has bitten) to develop strategies to prevent the biting behaviour. Parents will be reassured that it is part of a child’s development and not made to feel that it is their fault.
In the event of a bite breaking the skin and to reduce the risk of infection from bacteria, give prompt treatment to both the child who has bitten and the child who has been bitten.
If a child or member of staff sustains a bite wound where the skin has been severely broken arrange for urgent medical attention after initial first aid has been carried out. Staff members will record this incident in the accident at work book.
Where necessary a Social Story about biting will be shared with parents and the child to develop their understanding of when biting is acceptable and when is not.
In cases where a child may repeatedly bite and/or if they have a particular special educational need or disability that lends itself to increased biting, the senior leadership team will carry out an individual risk assessment and may recommend immunisation with hepatitis B vaccine for all staff and children.
Appendix 3
Recording of Behaviour on Octopus (Nursery Management System)
Incidents of difficult or dangerous behaviour will be recorded on Octopus and shared with parents on the day of the incident.
At Roots Federation, staff follow a script when recording so that we can analyse the correct data. The form will support the entry of the following information.
Record the incident for the child who has displayed the difficult or dangerous behaviour.
Describe what happened, where it happened and the things you saw that may have caused it to happen.
Describe the injury that was suffered.
Detail the treatment that was given to the children and if there was any further action taken.
Detail within the further action box whether parents had been contacted about the behaviour.
Details of the children who were injured as a result of the behaviour should not be named within the behaviour incident form.
Any injury, as a result of this behaviour, should be recorded on an accident form and accident reporting procedures followed.
Appendix 4
Calm Space Approach
This space will be external to the main teaching space, but the provision will led by a Qualified Teacher. This is not the same as a safe space within the classroom.
Calm Space: Some of our children need a very specific differentiated, individualised environment and level of support to keep themselves and others safe, enable engagement and foster wellbeing
Calm Spaces are planned and controlled limited experiences – it is not a provision forever
A Calm Space is an environment that is safe and therapeutic for the child and safe and therapeutic for the wider dynamic (wider world of other peers and staff within the school setting)
It can provide a safe and successful starting point in which to develop prosocial behaviours (protective consequence of the current harm/emotional distress affecting the child and others around them)
Calm Spaces require high investment in the short term to create success in the long term.
The boundaries and limits provided are planned and are familiar to the child with the aim of reducing the opportunity or desire to act anti-socially
The Calm Space will be used until the child has been motivated and inspired to change their behaviour
The Calm Space Approach gives an opportunity to create a differentiated relaxed learning environment with therapeutic balance. It is a pro-active strategy
The space has been developed to reduce stimulus whilst providing the opportunity to learn and explore and have control. The time in the Calm Space will be carefully planned, managed, and assessed. It is a co-production between the child/children and the supporting staff.
The Calm Space Approach will have been successful when the child is able to transfer what they have learnt to the big wide world (wider dynamic of the school.) This could be a small grouping or a larger class of peers and/or an ability to share busier spaces across the school e.g., the outdoor area, the indoor classroom. The Big Wide World (wider dynamic) will be different for everyone who evolves from this Calm Space.
Governors Statement of Behaviour Principles
We are a UNICEF Rights Respecting School. These principles relate to Articles
3,4,5,6,12,13,14,15,16, 18,19,23,28,29,30,31,39
Rationale and Purpose
This Statement has been drawn up in accordance with the Education and Inspections Act 2006, and DfE guidance (The school behaviour policy: the role of the governing body) and the Equality Act 2010.
The purpose of this statement is to provide guidance for the headteachers in drawing up the Behaviour Policy so it reflects the shared aspirations and beliefs of governors, staff, parents and carers for the children in the school, as well as taking full account of law and guidance on behaviour matters. Staff should be confident that they have the governor’s support when following this guidance.
This is a statement of principles, not practice: it is the responsibility of the headteachers to draw up the Behaviour Policies at Roots Federation, though they must take account of these principles when formulating this.
The headteachers are also asked to take account of the guidance in DfE publication Behaviour and Discipline in Schools: a guide for headteachers and school staff (September 2022).
The Behaviour Policies must be publicised, in writing, to staff, parents/carers and children each year. It must also appear on the school’s website.
Our Behaviour Principles
Our principles reflect our school values, our commitment to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and our curriculum drivers.
All schools within Roots Federation are inclusive schools. Everyone should be free from discrimination, harassment, victimisation of any sort. Equity is when everyone gets what they need to achieve.
Everyone has the right to feel safe all of the time.
Bullying or harassment of any description is unacceptable even if it occurs outside normal school hours.
Every pupil should be educated in an environment where they feel valued, listened to and respected
Children should be encouraged to be accountable for their actions and the potential impact on themselves and others
Consequences should enable a pupil to reflect on, and learn from a situation and to make reparation wherever possible.
Children should be supported to build self-discipline, empathy and emotional resilience through the development of strong self-regulation systems.
Adults in school should model, maintain, encourage and promote positive behaviour and the principles of fairness and justice.
High expectations for positive behaviours and attitudes towards learning provide the foundations for our children to become confident, resilient and self-assured.
All schools should work in partnership with parents/carers to develop and promote positive behaviours - and seek advice from appropriate outside agencies wherever necessary.
Exclusion from school is a last resort. Any exclusion should be issued in accordance with guidance from the Local Authority.
This written statement and the policies that are influenced by it apply to all pupils when in school, when engaged in extra-curricular activities such as educational trips and visits (residential and non-residential) and when travelling to and from school.
The governors wish to emphasise that violence, threatening behaviour or abuse by pupils or parents, towards the school’s staff, will not be tolerated.